Andrzej Szczypiorski 
was born in 1924 in Warsaw. Prose writer, news-paper and radio journalist, he was a soldier in the People’s Army during the German occupation of Poland. His fiction includes short stories The Fathers of the Era and Other Stories, 1955, and From Far and Near, 1957. His novels include Mass for the Town of Arras, The Beautiful Mrs. Seidenman, Self-portrait with Woman, The Shadow Catcher. He was awarded the Austrian State Prize for Literature, the Nelly Sachs Prize and the German Catholic Culture and Art Prize.  

Narodil se roku 1924 ve Varšavě. Za okupace voják Lidové armády, pak pracoval jako novinář, publicista a redaktor polského rozhlasu. Je velmi úspěšným autorem, napsal více než 20 knih. Připomeňme tituly: Mše za město Arras, 1971, česky nakl. Aurora 1998, Krásná paní Seidenmanová, Autoportrét s ženou, Lovec stínu. Motiv, ke kterému se stále vrací, je německá otázka a problém soužití tří národů: polského, německého a židovského. Je nositelem mnoha významných cen za literaturu. 

The Beautiful Mrs. Seidenman 

My life is here, because I am here, my body and above all else my memory. Only that which has already happened is my life – and nothing more than that! Therefore thinking about life means thinking about the remembered past: the closing of the cell door is the past, this bowing of my head, this leaning it against my arms. This I have experienced, dear God!  
I have experienced nothing but that which I remember. Nothing exists outside of memory.  

  19:00  Saturday 25 April  Franz Kafka Centre  Staroměstské nám. 22,  Praha 1 
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