Ryszard Krynicki 
was born in 1943 in St Valentin in Austria, and studied Polish at the University of Poznaň. As a member of the democratic opposition in Poland his poems were known through samizdat and publications such as Child of Europe, published by Penguin in 1990. His collections include: The Birth Certificate, 1969, The Mass Organism, 1975, Not Much More, 1981. Unconquered by Nothingness, selected poems and translations appeared in 1989. He lives in Kraków. 

Narodil se roku 1943 v St. Valentin (Rakousko). Vystudoval filologii na universitě v Poznani, kde i nadále žije a se svou ženou vede nakladatelství A-5. Jeho poezii je blízký moralizující tón a v autorově tvorbě se často odráží současné politické dění, jehož ztvárnění nepostrádá prvky humoru. Z dlouhé řady sbírek jmenujme Jestliže v nějaké zemi, 1983, Ne o moc více a jiné básně, 1984, Nepoddaní nicotě, výběr básní a překlady, 1989. Žije v Krakově. 

How Does It Rise 

how does it rise from the fall? from falling 
to the knees? weakened from fear or bent 
in humility? from a broken sentence, 
which gives us to mercy – or gives us mercy? 
from trustful faith? or untrusting faithfulness? 
and against whom, 
against whom does it rise 
against whom does it run, the poem? hope? 

and the fear of fulfilment? 

19:00  Sobota 25. dubna  Centrum Franze Kafky  Staroměstské nám. 22, Praha 1 
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