Tahar Ben Jelloun 
was born in 1944 in Morocco. He emigrated to France in 1961. He has written many books of poetry, prose and criticism and is a regular contributor to Le Monde. His work include: Solitaire; The Sand Child; The Sacred Night, which received the Prix Goncourt in 1987, and Silent Day in Tangier. Error of Night appeared  
in 1997. 

Narodil se roku 1944 ve Fezu v Maroku, ale od roku 1961 žije ve Francii. Jeho první básnická sbírka Lidé v rubáši ticha vyšla v roce 1971. Je autorem románů i esejí, například Harouda, 1973, Moha blázen, Moha mudrc, 1978, Nejvyšší ze samot, 1977, Osamělé útočiště, 1976 a Modlitba nepřítomného, 1981. Román Písečné dítě jen o vlásek minula Goncourtova cena v roce 1985, tuto cenu Ben Jelloun získal v roce 1987 za román Svatá noc. V roce 1997 vyšel jeho zatím poslední román Noc omylu. 

The Sacred Night 

The story of my life is written there, every wrinkle a century, a road on a winter’s night,  
a spring of clear water on a misty morning, a meeting in a forest, a broken friendship,  
a cemetery, a blazing sun. That furrow on the back of my left hand is a scar; death stopped one day and held out a pole to me. Perhaps to save me. But I turned away. It’s all easy enough, as long as you don’t try to change the river’s course. There is no greatness or tragedy in my story. It is simply strange. I have conquered violence so as to earn passion, and to become an enigma. I have long walked the desert; I have paced the night and tamed my pain. 

 19:00  Wednesday 22 April  Stone Bell House  Staroměstské nám. 13, Praha 1 
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