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was born in 1923 in Pilsen and
studied science and medicine at Charles University, becoming a pathologist
and later research scientist in immu-nology. He is widely known both for
his scholar-ly publications and his poetry and essays, having published
sixteen collections of poetry and ten books of essays. His Selected
Poems were published in the Penguin Modern European Poets series in
1967, Poems Before & After: Collected English Translations in
1990. Intensive Care was published in 1996 and Shedding Life,
essays, appeared in 1997.
Narodil se v roce 1923 v Plzni a vystudoval lékařskou fakultu UK v Praze. Pracoval jako patolog a později jako výzkumný pracovník v oblasti imunologie. Ve světě je známý svými odbornými publikacemi stejně jako svými eseji a poezií, které byly přeloženy do více než třiceti jazyků. Výsledkem několika dlouhodobých pobytů v USA byly esejistické knihy Anděl na kolečkách a Žít v New Yorku a básnická sbírka Beton. Mezi jeho nejvýznamnějsí sbírky patří Ačkoli, Denní služba, Achilles a želva, Takzvané srdce, Zcela nesoustavná zoologie a Interferon čili O divadle. |
We lay aside
To prop the growing head
The Fly She sat on the willow bark
During the fourteenth charge
She rubbed her legs together
Relieved she alighted
When silence settled
and just
she began to lay her eggs
And so it came to pass –
by Stuart Friebert and Dana Hábová
Glass Li Po was glass.
We observe ourselves like
Linnaeus was glass.
In the transparent belly
A prisoner is glass,
Behind the swallowed words
Only the dead
by David Young and Dana Hábová