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Was born in 1950 in Carinthia,
Austria. For many years she lectured in English literature at the University
of Gratz. Her translations include John Banville’s novel Athena.
Her publications include The New Sheherezade, 1983, A Comedy,
1989, Women with Three Aeroplanes, 1993 and Magdalena the Sinner,
1995. She currently lives in Paris.
Narodila se v roce 1950 v Carinthii v Rakousku. Řadu let
přednášela anglickou literaturu na univerzitě v Gratzu. V současnosti dokončila
překlad románu Johna Banvilla Athena. Publikovala romány Nová
Šeherezáda, 1983, Komedie, 1989, Ženy s třemi letadly,
1993 a Magdalena mučednice. Nyní žije v Paříži.
Magdalena the Sinner I had always had the idea that women, with the exception of my sister Maria, are mysterious and inexplicable, even demonic creatures, and with the exception of my sister Maria I had avoided them whenever I could. Women, with the exception of my sister Maria, dragged you sinking with them into a stinking morass, they forced you into unnatural acts which, when remembered, sent the blood to your cheeks, they confused your mind with their deceitful talk, their underhand insinuations, they sucked you out like an enormous tarantula, leaving nothing behind but a light and empty shell. |