Olof Enquist
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was born in the north of Sweden.
He is one of the leading Sweden’s writers and a respected commentator on
political and cultural matters. His most recent novel is the poweful Captain
Nemo’s Library, 1991. Increasingly Enquist has focused on dramatic
work. The international success of his play about August Strindberg, The
Night of the Tribades, 1976, was followed by Strindberg: A Life,
1984, The Hour of the Lynx, 1988 and The Magic Circle, 1994.
The controversial life of the Norwegian writer Hamsun is the subject of
his script for the acclaimed film Hamsun, 1996.
Narodil se v malé vesničce na severu Švédska. Patří mezi
nejvýznamější švédské spisovatele a komentátory kulturního a politického
dění. Jeho zatím poslední román je Knihovna kapitána Nemo, 1991
(v posledních letech se soustřeďuje zejména na divadelní hry a scénáře.
Jeho hra o Strindbergovi Noc Tribádek, 1975, měla mezinárodní úspěch
a jeho další hry byly zpracovány jako televizní inscenace nebo celovečerní
filmy: Strindberg: Život, 1984, Hodina rysa, 1988, Kouzelný
kruh, 1996. Kontroverzní život norského autora Knuta Hamsuna mu posloužil
jako námět pro scénář k filmu Hamsun, 1996.
She lived only through him. First it was right, the only possible way to live. Then it suddenly became – not valid. How it happened she did not really know, but suddenly she was a snake’s skin only, left behind in a forest glade. He did not see her any more. It was as if she was not there. But she wanted to be seen. A human being can live without sight, the blind too are human. But if one is not seen, then one is nothing. A human being cannot live
as a snake’s skin.